Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Start of it all ...

The start of my motherhood career began in November 1997 when my son Andrew was born. At the time I was 18 and oh so in love with his father (you will see how that turned out on another day). My name is Shannon and here I sit at 31 with a 13 year old son, crazy how that happens. I have since married a mostly wonderful man and created 4 wonderful boys, Matthew who is 7, Nicholas who is 5, Lucas who is 4 and Jacob who is 2. We recently added our first and only little lady to the clan. I feel bad for her sake because she will be the only one in this family. I can advise her well though seeing as how I grew up with 3 older brothers myself. But as far as my child bearing years, those are done!

From here I will update daily my trials and tribulations of raising such a monstrous family. I will have helpful tips on how I am raising 5 boys into men and 1 little lady into a woman. How I am keeping the love alive with my husband, how I financially manage this clan on one budget and how I handle having a child who has been diagnosed with ADD and ODD.


  1. Dropping in from BabyCenter and wishing you good luck on the start of your blog!

    Shan :+)
